The president and members of Executive Council of Veterans of Pakistan (VOP) condemn the vilification campaign launched on social media by certain elements against Ikram Sehgal.
One of the founding members of VOP (formerly PESA), Ikram Sehgal is considered as good a patriot and valiant son of Pakistan as any other serving or ex-serviceman.
Whatever he has done during the last two decades in service of the people upholding the name of Pakistan is on record. Providing free of cost armed security guards at more than 100 churches in Pakistan since 2013 on behalf of VOP, without making any personal publicity has earned worldwide praise for Pakistan.
A non-government event the World Economic Forum (WEF) is funded through its own membership. Mr Sehgal is the moving force from Pakistan and has been sponsoring representations from Pakistan for the last nineteen years without seeking any personal benefits. He arranges meetings of our leaders with top executives of the international business community. Provision of security services to diplomatic missions of United States and other countries is purely on merit. Ikram Sehgal is being condemned on the basis of a fake official letter by vested motivated individual out of pure jealousy and personal hatred just for providing security services. In that case, would we also call other suppliers of goods and services to diplomatic missions as pro-US and anti-state? It is distressing to see such a treatment being meted out towards a devoted son of Pakistan who is rendering selfless services for the country. This vilification campaign should stop.
Ikram Sehgal is a self-made man. His success story needs to be studied as a model by our young people. VOP condemns this despicable vilification and fully supports Ikram Sehgal. VOP is proud of him!.