People of Jammu and Kashmir rejected Indian new land law in disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K).
While addressing a press conference here on Saturday, Hurriyat Leadership reiterated that people of Jammu and Kashmir want Plebiscite in accordance with UN resolutions.
They stated that massive public protest against India will be held on November 17th, 2020 in the capital of Azad Jammu and Kashmir.
According to details, speakers said that the people of Jammu and Kashmir reject all the black laws by which India is making vicious efforts to end the special status of the disputed state of Jammu and Kashmir and to strengthen its hold.
The speakers said that the Indian government ended the special status of the state on August 5, 2019 by taking extreme measures of oppression and repression.
They stated that historic state of Jammu and Kashmir has been divided into two regional parts by force.
“State subject was the sole identity of people of Jammu and Kashmir which was snatched from the people of Jammu and Kashmir and domiciles were issued to millions of Indian citizens” they said, adding that the Indian government has now enacted a cruel law allowing citizens of other states to buy land in the disputed state of Jammu and Kashmir, which has caused great concern among the people of the state.
Speakers voiced, “Narendra Modi government is targeting the Muslim majority in Jammu and Kashmir; to achieve this nefarious goal, people from India have now been given legal protection to buy land in Kashmir.
They appealed the United Nations to stop India from enforcing laws by force and demand a referendum in accordance with the UN resolutions.
The speakers announced that they would hold a historic protest against Indian military occupation on November 17th, 2020 and demand the right to self-determination from the United Nations.
Chairman Pasban-e-Hurriyat Uzair Ahmad Ghazali, PPP Leader Shaukat Javed Mir, Vice Chairman International Forum for Justice and Human Rights Mushtaq-ul-Islam, President Mustafa Welfare Society Ateeq Ahmad Kayani, President Al-Mustafa Committee Ateeq-ur-Rehman Danish, Azmat Hayat Kashmiri and Usman Ali Hashim also addressed on the occasion.