Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Elementary and Secondary Education on Friday launched a campaign to enroll 800,000 out of school children in the province this year.
A ceremony in this regard was held at Government Saheed Osama Higher Secondary School, City-2. Provincial education minister Shahram Khan Tarakai was the chief guest on the occasion. He gave free textbooks and school bags to the newly enrolled children to launch a province-wide drive. Shahram Khan has directed all district education officers to increase student enrolment in their respective zones.
He said that the provision of education to children was a shared responsibility and each individual of the society, especially the parents, should play a proactive role in this regard. He said education was a key to national prosperity and progress, adding that the goal of sustainable development could be achieved by equipping every child with basic right to education.
He said that the government was taking solid steps for the promotion of education in the country, adding that introduction of a uniform education system was one of the major achievements of the government and it would put an end to status-based education. Tarakai said that a hefty amount of Rs 3 billion had been allocated in the budget to provide furniture to all schools across the province. He said that the E-transfer policy had been introduced to ensure transparency and merit in the transfer case of teachers, adding that under the policy a right teacher would have the right position.
He said that all arrangements had been made to start double-shift classes in the first phase at selected schools of KP which would help equip maximum children with quality education besides facilitating parents and students from far-flung areas.
He said that the KP government would provide 7000 Rehmatul Lil Alameen Scholarship to assist the students from all the public sector on merit. He said that more teachers would be recruited as stopgap arrangements to meet their shortage.
Dengue virus: The dengue virus was once again showing its presence in parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as medical tests conducted during last some days confirmed that 115 people have been infected with the virus.
It was revealed in a briefing shared with the Chief Secretary and Head of Dengue Task Force the other day that 62 screening tests out of 821 people from vulnerable KP districts were found affected during last week.
A total number of confirmed as infected dengue virus cases have reached at 115 across the province. However, surprisingly the district Peshawar which was once the most affected district of KP with regard to dengue cases has reported no new case.
It was informed during the briefing that medical tests conducted in Bajaur district showed that all the 6 people were infected with the dengue virus while in Battagram results of 199 tests showed that only two people were infected.
In Buner district 383 tests were conducted of which 42 were found positive while in Hangu only one case was reported.
In Haripur 3 people out of 14 tested were found infected while in Khyber district 35 out of 131 tested were confirmed as positive.
The briefing further revealed that out of 58 medical tests for the virus in Mansehra,13 were positive while from Mardan two cases were reported.
While in Mohmand and Swat districts one each dengue virus patient was reported. Likewise it was told that in sub-division Darra Adamkhel nine people out of 25 tested were found infected with the dengue virus.